Health camp “Gornyak”
Health camp “Gornyak” is more than 50 years old. It is situated on the picturesque bank of the river Samara in the pine forest.
In the Soviet Union it was rewarded with “Red challenge banner of the All-Union Central Council Of Trade-Unions” as the best students’ camp. The university administration managed to preserve the camp during the difficult 90-s. Now the health camp “Gornyak” has 4 big buildings and 9 cottages.
There are sports areas for mini football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, open-air cinema and rooted dining room. Annually about 1000 people have a rest at health camp in July and August. Every year sport and cultural events take place Medvedev V.I. was heading the camp for about 20 years, and then it was managed by Lomonos A.Ya., now the camp manager is the Shnyakina S.N |